Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Life Moves Fast

"Life moves pretty fast and if you don't stop to look around you might miss it."

Is that quote not 100% true? Since it has been months since I have written on my blog (I promise I will be better about writing this year) I have realized how quickly life flies by. My daughter is already two years old and our second child, Dylan was born in November. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family.

It is crazy to think how fast the days and weeks fly by. Before Randy and I know it our little babies will be growing up, not needing us as much as they do now. The only thing I can hope and pray for is that we raise them to be wonderful, strong and caring children. My wish for them is to realize that they can do anything as long as they put their mind to it. And I hope both of them find someone to love as I have their father.